Oh really...?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
On this day, according to:

I'm a moo goo guy

This last weekend was a mixed bag. Amy (this is a psudeonym) was out of town on Saturday, so I got a couple of friends together. We just drove around and talked. It was good. I haven't been able to really talk and get unique viewpoints for a while. We ate Chinese food and laughed at misspelled chopstlck wrappers.

On Sunday me and Amy went to a concert. The music was rockin'. It was oldies, but goodies. :) Amy and I sometimes disagree about the best way to interact with the opposite sex. This reminds me of Chemistry by Semisonic.

"So when I find myself alone and unworthy
I think about all of the things I learned from the
Fine fine women with nothing but good intentions and a
Bad tendency to get burned"
"All about chemistry
Won't you show me everything you've learned
I'll memorize everything you do to me so I can
Teach it when it comes my turn "
Honestly, how can I say that i'm a good lover (which i am) with out getting some sort of sample from the general population? Why must this conflict so much with [tone sound="sarcastic"] commitment and love [/tone]? Isn't there sex without emotion?

Oh well. I suppose that Amy has a point about sex being more than just feeling good. Although, it really does feel very good. Amy's a good lay, that's not in question. What's in question is whether or not i'm giving her the best lay that i can. How can i know that i am? Doesn't she deserve the best sex that i can give her?

What i do know is that Amy turns me on more than any other girl around. I get random/ill-timed erections when i'm with her. This never happens with other girls. With Amy, we could be talking about getting her tires rotated and i get all hot and bothered. That's just how sexy she is. [sigh][/sigh] Oh, there goes the erection-thing i was just mentioning. I'll have to call her for some phone sex soon. ;)

[update] I don't like moo goo. I'm all about the General's Chicken.[/update]